Jane's blog


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Yay Hump day!

Yay today is Hump day!! for all of you who think I being rude I am not...hump day is Wednesday and just means its the middle of the working week!
When I woke up this morning I felt good! I have been making sure I am in bed by 9.30/10pm now. Otherwise I am just to tired getting up early and for the gym...anyways I am soooo sore from yesterdays leg session!!! I can feel every muscle in my legs and they are all sore...but bitter sweet sore that I know once again I have worked hard!

This morning at the gym I did chest and shoulders and must say that I lifted very very well. Im kinda now inbetween with my strength, in that the 12.5kg db's for chest are hard but I can get 8 out pretty well, so I tried the 15kg db's and they are a little to heavy...hopefully in a week or two I will have build up my strength and I can give them another go! And I have spin class tonight which will be fun :) LOVE to spin!

Yesterday I weighed myself at the gym and I was up like 1kg and wasnt happy about it at all...so this morning I got back on the scales and I was back to my body weight...happy now about that. I cant believe how much our body weight can fluctuate!!
I also put alittle fake tan on my legs last night and even alittle bit of colour can make such a difference to how our legs look...much more defined with tan.

Im about 3 weeks out from my trip to Fiji and id still like to tone up my lower part of my bottom alittle, its pretty good now but I just want more of that toned look! Can anyone suggest some good training/nutrition methods that I can do to increase my fat burning? Ive been having a cheat meal on the weekends but I thought for the next 3 weeks ill cut that out and Ive been drinking plenty of water (3lts a day). I also think that once I get my fake tan done ill look more defined. But id like to also know that I have put in the hard work to get the results I want and id like to see my body change alittle more before I go.

Anyways any comments on this would be great and very helpful..

Have a fun-tastic day!
Jane :)


At 1:18 PM, Blogger Splice said...

Yesterday I weighed myself at the gym and I was up like 1kg and wasnt happy about it at all...so this morning I got back on the scales and I was back to my body weight...happy now about that. I cant believe how much our body weight can fluctuate!!

That is exactly why you stay off the scales!!!!!!!

Lia will tell you the same thing.

I never weighed myself. Now with the comp prep I weigh myself, but only once a fortnight!

Try to stay off them honey, they play with your head to much.



At 2:21 PM, Blogger Janew said...

Hey ya Deb!Yup I know *hangs head* I need to stay off those damn scales...they can do serious damage to ones head!!

Hope you are having a fabulous day
Jane xo

At 5:40 PM, Blogger LizN said...

Yes Jane, it is amazing how much weight can fluctuate, so it is better to use the scale as an adjunct rather than relying on it for feedback. I weigh myself every day (more to track the effects of salt and deliberate carb increases) but tend to focus on the visual..often I change before a drop so don't put too much credence to them.

Liz N
PS -thanks for visiting my blog :)


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