Jane's blog


Monday, August 07, 2006


Got up at 6am this morning and went and done intervals with my room mate and my dog! We did a warm then 10x sprints up a hill. Worked very hard and really got the heart rate up! I knew I had to work harder this morning since I had a naughty weekend.......

Ive been doing so well lately with cutting back drinks on the weekends with friends...until this Sat! my BF, his brother and my room mate all had a BBQ on Sat afternoon. I was drinking waters when I was offered a vodka (with diet soda) I thought hey why not, Ive been very good lately I ate clean all last week and also had clean foods for the weekend so id treat myself and enjoy a drink.....BIG mistake! One drink went into 2 drinks and next thing its almost midnight and Im drunk! I am so dissapointed in my (NON) ability to stop at atleast 2 drinks. I feel that there goes my bikini body for my Fiji holiday :( I cant believe I have let myself down, I thought Iwas stronger than this....even as we were drinking my room mate and I were talking about training and our goals....so why did I continue drinking...so very silly.
The thing that bugs me is that towards the end of last week I noticed some good changes in my body, especially my lower body, probably have undone all that hard work now!

So yesterday afternoon into the night I spent all my time cooking and preparing meals for this week. I need to get back on track and I need to really stick to my program. The training is easy and so is eating clean its just these 'few' drinks on the weekend thats going to make all the difference to my results.

Other than that I actually had a great weekend and it was nice to see the sun out. Suppose to be nice weather this week and we are getting tops of 16 degrees! Yay!

I hope you all had a great weekend! xo


At 9:19 PM, Blogger Splice said...

LOL 16 degrees, sorry I couldn't help myself. You can tell im a former Canberran.
Anyway, dont be so hard on yourself. We all fall off track every now and again. But you get straight back on track, and its all good again.
Having those guilt feelings are so bad at the time but in a way you remember them and you don't wont to experience those guilt feeling again so you become stronger by not drinking.
The problem with drinking one glass is it weakens you, and it will do it everytime. I know because I went through the same thing. I dont even have one now. And since doing that my nutrition is perfect.
But these things take time because you must learn from it.
You will look gorgeous in Fiji in your bikini, I just know it.

At 10:10 AM, Blogger Janew said...

LOL yeah a hige 16!!! Wooo hooo its like summer ;)I cant wait to move from Canberra and get back to the coast and nicer climate!
Thanks for the encouraging words,I did get back on track and I feel slowly I am learning from my mistakes and each time I train I want more and better for my body! I guess having guilt isnt actually a bad thing if we learn from it!Just gotta stick to the master plan and put my goals first!


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