Jane's blog


Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Dropsets....man are they full-on or what!! This week in stead of my heavy sets I decided Zel and I needed a change in our training. So we did dropsets!!! 3 sets to fail.
We trained legs today, so it was a real challenge! I work hard when I train with heavy weights but this was a totally different pump! Im so very proud of us for working so hard...we even had the attention of a few people as we were grunting on some of the exercises! hehe...grunting girls...very attractive Im sure ;) my legs are so cained now and Im happy to just sit at my desk all day and not have to move to much!

The only thing that was bad at the gym this morning is when we got there someone had put the heating on! Now I know Canberra can be cold but heating in a gym is not on!! Before we even got started I was working up a sweat! After my first set of squats I actually felt a bit dizzy from the heat and quickly went and told them to turn on the air cond. Was sooo much nicer when the cooler air started blowing from the ducts. But then I hear some guy complaining thats its to cold! I was like what the!!!! train harder and maybe you wont be cold, is what I was thinking...
all up it was a very successful session :)

This afternoon ill take my dog out for a walk to give my legs (and his) and good stretch! also still need to train my abs but I can do that at home this afternoon after work.

So on the weekend I was soooo good with my nutrition...until Sunday. My BF and I went to a lunch with his family..and it was at Kamberra winery!!!! I was freaking out and thought I have to be strong and not drink.....I ended up having 4 glasses of red wine and I am so very disappointed in my UN-ability to have any control.

I dont even know why I did it, I feel like a total moron :/ When we got there I was straight into the waters, I thought I would be right. Then my BF's Uncle offered my a glass of red wine, I was thinking maybe just a little to taste and then thats all ill have, its really nice wine so alittle to try wont be to bad and I had gone for a good run that morning...next minute Ive had more then a taste.
I am trying so hard to have a weekend totally off drinking but I seem to fall back into bad habits! I thought I was stronger then that. Like on the Friday night my BF had some drinks and I didnt touch a drop, I didnt even feel like it.
I just need to find the strength / motivation / or what ever it is to be strong! Now all I can think is that Im 2 weeks from Fiji and I have let myself down and will look gross in my bikini. I am back on track this week and have increased the duration and intensity of some cardio sessions in hope that ill burn some extra body fat! *crosses fingers*

Anyways I do feel positive about my training and the food is not an issue...I just have to be strong for the weekends.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far :)


At 1:17 PM, Blogger Splice said...

Don't be so hard on yourself, its all good :-).
You have to remember you don't go to these places all the time (every weekend) so its ok to relax and enjoy good wine with family.
This weekend you know what to do and will be fine.
Take care,
Deb xxx

At 1:52 PM, Blogger Janew said...

Thanks Deb,you are always so supportive and have nice things to say :) I was also thrown out on the weekend as thats not where we were suppose to be going!although its a lovely restaurant. Anyways I have a good plan for this weekend and Im going to stick to it damn it!! :D
*smiles to you* Jane

At 8:37 PM, Blogger Daniela Anicic said...

Hello Jane!

Thank you for stopping by on my blog...great to meet another gym junkie!

Hey, I know what this feels like...when u work out so hard you feel like you deserve some little pleasures...but they never are cause you feel so guilty!!!!

Hey don't sweat it...we need to be less harsh on ourselves..i had one of those days yesterday!!!!


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