Jane's blog


Thursday, August 24, 2006

another great session done!

This morning I did another great session! I trained back, biceps and triceps. Did dropsets again today and pushed myself hard :) Even did some pb's which made me so happy!!
my biceps are getting very strong...I bicep curled (in good form) the 10kg dbs!!!yippeee :D

I went back at lunch today and did 40mins solid cardio on treadmill / eliptical / spin bike...now Im totally buggered and wouldnt mind going for a cat nap!

Nutrition is also good..its kinda been like this:
m1 - pre-workout - small coffee on skim, 2 corn crackers with protein paste, this is something new I made up yesterday...mix a serve protein into a paste and then spread it on the corn cakes! YUMMM
m2 - post workout shake
m3 - 1/4 or 1/2 cup oats (depending on cardio days and how hungry I am) mixed with water and protein powder and green tea
m4 - small pear or orange or strawberries and green tea
m5 - 200g chicken with salad and tablespoon low fat cottage cheese
m6 - protein shake or after p.m. spin class a post workout shake
m7 - (if hungry before dinner) corn cracker and peanut butter or some almonds or walnuts
m8 - 200g lean meat (usually chicken, lamb or fish), vegies
at night a cup of herbal tea and if Im still hungry some low joule jelly.
drinking atleast 3lts water daily.

I look at all this food and it looks like alot but I like to eat more small meals like this than bigger meals.
In the morning Im also taking some fishoil and at night at dinner Im having some flaxseed oil.
Im feeling really good for eating this way, ill also at times have a little brown rice with lunch or with dinner.

So all my weights are done for the week now and I only have a walk tomorrow morning with my dog and a jog on Saturday...Sunday is total rest day!!

Ive noticed my tummy is very flat which is great..NO MORE BLOATING!!!!! and I have some kinda side abs...if that makes sense, like not actually ab-abs but lines going down either side! Now this butt of mine better start catching up to the rest of my body!!!

Have a fun-tastic day :)


At 10:14 PM, Blogger Daniela Anicic said...

Hey Jane!

Good to hear things are on track...those guns are getting stronger i see!!

Dropsets are always fun...or is that an oximoron? lol

Keep it up!


At 10:41 AM, Blogger Janew said...

Hi Dan! Yeah guns!!I like that term ;)
No not an oximoron...dropsets ARE FUN! LOL!


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