Jane's blog


Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Well Goodly morning everyone!! I hope you are all well and happy :)

training this week has been awesome! Yesterday I did a great chest session and this morning I did legs! Im getting really deep in my squats now!! Loving the burn that a hard session gives me!
So also added to my current training at the moment is an extra 30mins intensity cardio session in the mornings, giving my body a some nice shock treatment!!!! Im already feeling the difference and noticing some good changes in my body! Just want to lower my bf% a little more.

So my nutrition is great :) I feeling totally alive and very happy with my life. Ive been doing alot of positive thinking and this is making me more focussed on the important things in my life...like being happy!

My friends father once said that only you are incontrol of your feelings and how you react to any situation. No-one can ever make you feel down, because you have the choice on how you want to feel. I have said this before and I believe its so true...I have even stopped seeing some of my 'so called' friends who use to put me down and I feel a better person for it. Im sure they have continued being mean people but I dont care because they are no longer part of my life :)

Im also loving the warm weather we have been having! I find that the weather does effect your moods, the sun and beautiful blue sky makes me happy :)

Sooo Im going to go and do some work now and Im going to be happy all day!!! and tomorrow and well you know... ;)

*sending you all positive energy and happiness*
Jane xoxo


At 1:22 PM, Blogger LizN said...

Jane, that is so true. We are control of everything we think, say and do and yes, we can choose to be happy.

Coming and reading your blog is always a great second option if Plan A doesn't work.
liz :)

At 1:29 PM, Blogger Splice said...

I agree with Liz, your posts are so positive and up beat.
I could do with some of those good vibes right now.

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Janew said...

Hello sweethearts, I hope I do add some cheer somehow through my blog and always something to think about :)

I also LOVE reading your blogs very muchly!! we can all learn so much from each other!

Thinking great vibes for you both!!
Jane xoxo

At 2:53 PM, Blogger Andrea said...

You remind me of the type of person I want to be more like Jane. Thank you for being a fabulous role model! xoxo
Andrea xx


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